Amplify Austin Day is an annual community-wide day of online giving. The 24- hour period provides an easy and fun way for our entire community to give together while helping local nonprofits. Participate in Amplify Austin Day for Child Inc!

Donations from this campaign will help provide appropriate access to technology used to enhance learning, through our TechTots Initiative.

Children growing up in affluent families often have full access to technology tools and broadband connections to the Internet in their homes, begin using it at an early age, and have highly developed technology skills and beginning media literacy when they enter school. The opportunity to use and explore computers and tablets in an early childhood setting is essential, particularly for those who do not have access to such technology in the home environment.

The TechTots program will provide purposeful learning through technology by offering preschoolers opportunities for active engagement in the learning process, cooperative learning, frequent interaction and feedback and a sense of connection to real-world contexts and applications. Providing access to technology enables our young children the ability to further develop important skills such as problem-solving through trial and error and how to be flexible in their approaches to different problems better preparing them for lifelong learning.