Summer is here, and it’s the perfect time for families to enjoy the warm weather and create lasting memories. However, keeping our children safe while they have fun is a top priority. Austin offers a variety of free resources and activities that are perfect for Head Start families. Here are some ideas to keep your kids entertained, healthy, and safe this summer.

Local Free Resources and Activities

1. Splash Pads and Wading Pools
Austin has several free splash pads and wading pools that are perfect for cooling off on a hot summer day. Locations like Liz Carpenter Fountain at Butler Park, Pease Park, and Bartholomew Park offer hours of water fun without the cost of admission.

2. Library Programs
Austin Public Library offers a range of free programs for children, including story times, craft sessions, and summer reading programs. These activities are not only fun but also help keep your child’s mind engaged during the summer break.

3. Parks and Playgrounds
Visit local parks such as Zilker Park, Mueller Lake Park, and Auditorium Shores. These parks offer playgrounds, open spaces for picnics, and walking trails. Pack a picnic and spend the day outdoors enjoying the beautiful scenery and fresh air.

4. Nature Walks and Hikes
Explore the natural beauty of Austin with family-friendly hikes at places like the Barton Creek Greenbelt and Lady Bird Lake. These trails are great for exercise and offer an opportunity to learn about local flora and fauna.

5. Free Museums and Cultural Centers
Take advantage of free admission days at local museums. The Blanton Museum of Art offers free admission on Thursdays, and the Mexic-Arte Museum is free on Sundays. These visits can be educational and provide a cool escape from the summer heat.

6. The Thinkery
The Thinkery is a fantastic children’s museum in Austin that focuses on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) education. While general admission is not free, the Thinkery offers Community Night on Wednesdays from 3 pm to 7 pm, where admission is by donation, making it accessible to all families.

7. Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is a beautiful destination to explore Texas wildflowers and native plants. The center offers free admission on Tuesdays, making it a perfect spot for a family outing. Enjoy the gardens, trails, and educational exhibits that connect kids with nature.

Health and Safety Tips

Sun Protection
– Sunscreen: Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 on your child’s skin 30 minutes before heading outdoors. Reapply every two hours or after swimming or sweating.
– Protective Clothing: Dress your child in lightweight, long-sleeved shirts, and wide-brimmed hats to protect their skin from the sun.
– Shade: Encourage playing in the shade during peak sun hours (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.). Use umbrellas or canopies when shade is not available.

– Water: Ensure your child drinks plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated, especially when engaging in physical activities.
– Fruits and Veggies:Incorporate water-rich fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon, cucumbers, and oranges, into their diet to help maintain hydration levels.

Safety in Water

– Supervision: Always supervise your children when they are in or around water, even if they are skilled swimmers.
– Life Jackets: Use life jackets for young children or those who are not strong swimmers when near bodies of water like lakes or rivers.

Fun and Safe Activities at Home

Backyard Camping
Set up a tent in your backyard and have a family camping night. Tell stories, stargaze, and enjoy the experience of camping without leaving home.

Arts and Crafts
Create a summer art station with supplies like paper, markers, paint, and recycled materials. Encourage your children to get creative and make their own art projects.

Start a small garden with your kids. Plant easy-to-grow vegetables or flowers and teach them about the basics of gardening. This activity can be both educational and rewarding.

Outdoor Games
Organize simple games like hopscotch, tag, or a scavenger hunt. These activities are great for physical exercise and can be enjoyed in your backyard or at a nearby park.

Reading Time
Set aside time each day for reading. Create a cozy reading nook and let your children choose their favorite books. Reading together can be a wonderful way to bond and keep their literacy skills sharp.

Summer in Austin offers endless opportunities for safe, fun, and educational activities. By taking advantage of local resources and following a few health and safety tips, you can ensure your children have a memorable and safe summer break. Enjoy the sunshine and make the most of this special time with your family!