We are excited to welcome our families and children for the 23/24 school year!  Our goal is to create a positive and productive year for early learners with a combination of creating a nurturing environment, promoting healthy development, and fostering a love for learning.

Here are some tips to help ensure we have a great Head Start year:

  1. Establish a Consistent Routine: Young children thrive on routines.  We set a predictable schedule for daily activities, such as arrival, circle time, playtime, snack, storytime, and nap time. Consistency provides a sense of security and helps children know what to expect.
  2. Create a Safe and Engaging Environment: We ensure our classrooms are safe, clean, and conducive to exploration and play, providing a variety of age-appropriate toys, books, and materials that stimulate curiosity and creativity.
  3. Foster Social and Emotional Development:
    • Encourage positive interactions with peers through group activities, playtime, and sharing.
    • Teach emotional awareness and provide tools to express feelings, such as using emotion words and calming techniques.
  4. Encourage Independence:
    • We encourage children to make choices within safe boundaries, like selecting activities or snacks.
    • Teaching self-help skills, such teeth brushing, washing hands, and cleaning up after themselves and family style meals.
  5. Effective Communication:
    • We engage in conversations to develop vocabulary and language skills.
    • We listen actively to what they have to say, validating their feelings and thoughts.
  6. Hands-On Learning:
    • We provide hands-on activities that involve sensory experiences, like art projects, cooking, and science/STEAM experiments.
    • Incorporate play-based learning to engage children’s natural curiosity and help them learn through exploration.
  7. Promote Literacy and Numeracy Skills:
    • We read books daily to encourage a love for reading and storytelling.
    • Introduce basic math concepts through games, puzzles, and counting activities.
  8. Physical Activity and Outdoor Play:
    • We offer opportunities for physical play, both indoors and outdoors, to support gross and fine motor skills.
    • Outdoor playtime provides fresh air, exercise, and a chance to explore nature.
  9. Healthy Eating Habits:
    • We provide nutritious snacks and meals to support their physical well-being and brain development.
    • Teach children about making healthy food choices providing gardens for hands on learning.
  10. Parent-Teacher Collaboration:
    • We establish open communication with parents, sharing updates on the child’s progress and celebrating milestones together.
    • Encourage parental involvement in classroom activities or events.
  11. Celebrate Achievements:
    • We recognize and celebrate each child’s achievements, whether big or small, to boost their self-esteem and motivation.
  12. Patience and Flexibility:
    • We understand our children are still developing their self-regulation skills. We provide patience and self regulation tools and methods and offer gentle guidance when challenges arise.
    • Be flexible and willing to adapt activities based on the children’s interests and needs.

We firmly believe that parents and guardians are a child’s first and most important teachers. We value your involvement and partnership in your child’s education. Throughout the year, we will provide opportunities for you to participate in classroom activities, workshops, and parent-teacher conferences. We encourage you to share any insights, concerns, or questions you may have, as open communication is vital to the success of our program.